
I am Gezegond, and this used to be my personal blog.
However it is now moved to my own website, so check it out.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Ummm, well, umm, I don't know!

Hi! Well, I didn't read all the reviews that I said I would read in three days, mainly because I was lazy and now there are some more that I also have to read. Furthermore I have to read A LOT OF Mathematics and a bit Physics for my university or I will probably get kicked out of there. SO I was optimistic when I thought that I could finally play some games. I am currently not in a good mood because of my stupid dial-up connection which forces me to waste 7 hours on a 20 minutes work. Sometimes it just literally disconnects and I have to sit and watch those 2 monitors on the down-left of the screen and hope for them to turn on. It makes me really sick, because otherwise I could do a lot more things. Anyway I 'll probably read these new reviews in *again* three days and then I have to study for university so other stuff goes to next week. I completely wasted 3 days of last week doing nothing because I felt a bit down. That's not gonna happen again. So see you next week.
Picture of the Day
I look like this while waiting endlessly for web pages to load.

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